FPSC(Free Piston Stirling Coolers)

*1:optimum thermal insulation design for relatively small thermal mass is required.
*2:in case of SC-TG08
*3:use helium gas as refringent.
Stirling Coolers are helping to improve quality and throughput in pioneering and specialized applications around the world.
Case Studies
2024/10/08 FPSC business: PRESS RELEASE_SC-DF25P( WHO, PQS )
2024/07/25 FPSC business: Exhibited at ACHEMA2024 (Frankfurt, Germany).
2020/06/03 Instructional manual has been up-dated.
2020/04/22 Notice of change in holidays due to new COVID-19 measures
2020/01/10 Participating in the AHR EXPO. in Orlando, FL, USA. [ February 3(Mon.) – 5(Wed.) 2020 ]
2019/10/28 Participating in the MEDICA 2019 in Dusseldorf, Germany. [ November 18(Mon.) – 21(Thu.) 2019 ]
2019/03/27 Twinbird took part in “AHR Expo 2019”, held in Atlanta, Georgia.
2018/05/15 June/27-29/2018 Exhibiting cooling boxes.
2018/04/25 Attention to fraudulent e-mail using the Twinbird name.
2018/04/13 FPSC “Space Freezer”,FROST2 is now operating,